The ruin of ideals; at the hinge of the psychic and the social. What subject do we think for today? What dialogue between the generations?


  • Marcelo N.. Viñar


ideal del yo, yo ideal, sociedad, cultura, adolescencia


After a brief summary on the concept of ideal in Freud, the author points out some social and cultural changes that have taken place in the last decades  and its impact on the psyche. He ends up asking himself on how the differences in codes and keys might have an incidence in establishing a therapeutic process: specially concerning experienced time and the culture of the instant.
Internalization of these guidelines by our generation is possibly quite different from that of the young people who are building the present history. This paper is an invitation to listen to this interval in the psuchoanalitical practice.


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How to Cite

The ruin of ideals; at the hinge of the psychic and the social. What subject do we think for today? What dialogue between the generations?. (2004). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 99, 37-53.

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