Current pathologies or updating of theories?


  • Susana García Vázquez


sujeto, cultura, sociedad, teoría psicoanalítica


Regarding the issue of the influence of the present culture on psychopathology, the author considers that one shouldn’t speak of “new pathologies” when the same disturbances have been well-known in different cultures. Nevertheless, she thinks that it is impossible to deny the new subjectivities that root from the important changes in the XXth century. The author points out essential changes: woman’s role and place in the family that affects all the other members’ position in it; the fall of the great accounts, not only political but also social and religious; the changes in communications that lead to the paradox of a greater isolation; the increase in life expectancy, among others. She brings up two examples, in order to point out significant cultural characteristics: the Uruguayan film “25 watts” and the TV show “Gran Hermano”. If social changes are so deep, will Psychoanalysis still be valid as a treatment? The changes in subjectivity have taken place together with an important deepening of the psychoanalytic theory. This has also produced effects in the technique enabling an approach to disturbances that were impossible to treat before. Nevertheless, the foundations of psychoanalysis referred to psychic structuring are absolutely valid. According to the author these are: the idea of the Unconscious that is the idea of an individual who is divided, in conflict and affected by another one. This implies then child sexuality and transference, as a link that will enable resignifying, thus generating new possibilities of symbolization and therefore psychic change.


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Author Biography

  • Susana García Vázquez

    Miembro Asociado de la APU


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How to Cite

Current pathologies or updating of theories?. (2001). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 94, 59-71.