Discussion of Gabbard's work 'Love and lust in the male analyst-male patient dyad'.


  • Luisa de Urtubey


transferencia erótica, amor de transferencia, contratransferencia, autoanálisis, reanálisis


The author discusses the original and interesting chapter by Gabbard “Love and lust in the male analyst-male patient dyad”. She found it has great value, in particular by talking about a subject frequently ignored. However, she objects some aspects of his
interpretative technique, particularly the care taking with manifest content.


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How to Cite

Discussion of Gabbard’s work ’Love and lust in the male analyst-male patient dyad’. (2000). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 92, 23-33. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1413

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