Our link with theories; relationship and use from the Winnicottean metapsychological perspective


  • A. Cristina López de Caiafa
  • Marina Altmann de Litvan
  • Luz M Porras de Rodríguez
  • Francisco Labraga


epistemología, metapsicología, psicoanalista, teoría, objeto transicional, uso del objeto, creatividad, paradoja, mente del psicoanalista


This work is a reflection about the relationship with the theories, the patient and the analyst mind during the different moments of our labor. The question is how theorical conception arises in our minds, our approach to an author and his theories; as well as how theories are work out during the session, our relationship with then and the use we make of them. This approach is based on Winnicott ideas about the use and relationship with the object. Finally we ask ourselves how a Winnicottean metapsichology can be thought.


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How to Cite

Our link with theories; relationship and use from the Winnicottean metapsychological perspective. (1996). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 83, 9-19. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1399