Oedipus in the different crises and stages of his life


  • Mercedes Freire de Garbarino
  • Irene Maggi
  • Carmen Médici de Steiner


mito edípico, tragedia, Edipo, niñez, adolescencia, tercera edad


When we put together the Oedipus’ mith with Sofocles’ tragedies: King Oedipus and Oedipus at Colono under the perspective of W.R. Bion’s theory about variations and unvariations, it is possible to introduce a serie of transformations in the comprehension
of the oedipal theme which promote a different approach to the classic psychoanalitic view.
Following this investigation line we configured an hypothetic, fragmentary history of the personage’s life, in his main vicissitudes.
We introduced facts from different moments and crisis of his life, as they appear in the narratives; and went through three of his vital cycles: childhood, adolescence and old age. We based our work on the transformations’ theory, so we should fictitiously decenter Oedipus from his well known place as the epicenter of the nuclear conflict of sexuality, in normality and neurosis.


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Grimal P. Mitologías del Mediterráneo al Ganges, Edit. Planeta. Vol. 1, Barcelona,

España, 1982.

Kirk GS. La naturaleza de los mitos de la antigua Mesopotamia, en El Mito, Edit. Paidós. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1970.

Sofocles. Tragedias, Edipo rey, Edit. Perlado, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994.

Sofocles. Edipo rey y Edipo en Colono, Edit. Gráficas Urpesa, Madrid, España, 1972.







How to Cite

Oedipus in the different crises and stages of his life. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 81, 141-156. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1332