The shared substrate of interpretation; images, affects and words in the clinical experience.


  • Beatriz de León de Bernardi


interpretación, afectos, imagen, regresión, atención flotante, intersubjetividad, material clínico, mente del psicoanalista


This paper implies an attempt to show how a substratum shared by patient and analyst is created during the analytical process. This substratum is built on the basis of interactive dynamic nuclei where a close contact and exchange of images, emotions, and words are set up. In these instances of intensive contact, unconscious aspects of both, patient and analyst are considered to be evidenced in a more straightforward way, mainly triggered by the transference situation. Departing from the study of clinical material, the paper shows three of the most significant features of these interactive nuclei: the imbrication of the experiences of the patient with those of the analyst, the regressive nature of such experiences, and the multimodal functioning of the analyst s mind. Finally the paper deals with some of the features of the functions the analyst assigns to in-
terpretations in those clinical instances.


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How to Cite

The shared substrate of interpretation; images, affects and words in the clinical experience. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 81, 121-140.

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