Neutrality or Abstinence?


  • Fanny Schkolnik


neutralidad, encuadre, contratransferencia, material clínico


This paper deals with the appropriateness of using the notion of neutrality in psychoanalysis, as this term connotes an absence of wish in the analyst which is neither possible nor desirable. In the analytical process, impulses operate in both the analyst and the patient. Although Freud did not specifically use the word neutrality when referring to the necessary deprivation in the analytical work. It was rather Strachey who introduced such word in his translation of Freudian works. The proposal of this paper is to redeem the word “abstinence”, which connotes the idea of contention or continence, and is thus best fit to define the features of the analyst’s position and the limits setting the boundaries of the freedom the patient and the analyst enjoy. The author emphasizes that we usually tend to think about the importance of deprivation for the patient while little is said about its significance for the analyst. This paper underscores the shifts arising from narcissistic aspirations, the wish to cure, or a tendency to mothering, as ever-existing temptations that need to be worked out by the analyst.


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Author Biography

  • Fanny Schkolnik

    Miembro Titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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