Poverty and helplessness

effects on psychic functioning


  • Susana Martínez


test, learning, investigation, child, resilience, enviroment, trauma, simbolization, failure, psychic, psychic functioning, helplessness


The paper shares some observations made in the context of a doctoral research project on the effects of poverty on psychic structuring. The project was carried out within the research group on Psychoanalysis of the Disruptive, coordinated by Dr. Moty Benyakar as part of the Doctorate in Psychology of the Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires – Argentina), with the collaboration of the Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina. The group defines poverty as a disruptive environment, as a factual
reality characterized by multiple distortions, alterations and deprivations recibido: junio 2018 - aceptado: julio 2018
pobreza y desamparo: efectos en el funcionamiento psíquico that constitute a chronic environmental deformation, with an intense
traumatogenic potential. Nevertheless, the traumatic course itself will only be constituted on failures in psychic elaboration, which are subsidiary to the failures of the functions of metabolizing and co-metabolizing. Based on the metapsychological contributions of Aulagnier, the paper will analyze the features of psychic functioning in children from these contexts of social vulnerability, where divergent situations are found in their possibilities of psychic elaboration. 


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Author Biography

  • Susana Martínez

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Poverty and helplessness: effects on psychic functioning. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 127, 151-173. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/129