Partial Objects, Whole Objects, or the Psychoanalyst at Work


  • Florence Guignard


objetos parciales, objetos totales


The author proposes her hypothesis with reference to the constitution of the maternal objects –partial objects– and of the paternal object –complete from the beginning– and explains the consequences those hypothesis have in the building up of adult transference. She describes the characteristics of the shock the psychoanalyst’s infantile aspects have on his listening and on the development of the psychoanalytic process, and the consequences on the adult patient of the “passive splittings” he has suffered in his childhood. Finally, she analyzes the effect the parents’ transference has on the child analyst’s countertransference, and underlines the importance of the practice of child analysis in order to practise adult psychoanalysis.


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Author Biography

  • Florence Guignard

    Miembro titular de la Sociedad Psicoanalítica de París


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How to Cite

Partial Objects, Whole Objects, or the Psychoanalyst at Work. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 69-87.

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