The family; a genealogical approach at the end of the millennium.


  • Daniel Gil


familia, historia, función paterna, función materna, poder, crisis, matrimonio


In this work we try to follow the main tendencies which orient the changes of the family for the last two thousand years. More concretely, the path is traced from the moment in which the relationship between Christendom and the Roman Empire arises, until the birth, consolidation and then decline of the bourgeois family in the XIX and XX century. The concept of the withdrawal of the family and of the paternal function is discussed. Besides the work deals with the most important problems which we are facing at the end of the millennium, a time when it is impossible to make predictions regarding which will be the new forms that the family will adopt, the new role of the father, the new role of the mother, etc., in the coming years of the XXI century


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How to Cite

The family; a genealogical approach at the end of the millennium. (1994). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 79-80, 39-66.

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