In the end it was desire; reflections on the transfer and completion of the analysis.


  • Nadal Vallespir


transferencia, fin de análisis, objeto A, falta, deseo, material clínico


This work intends to be a reflection about transference,the end ofthe analysis andthe links between them. We have ten had recourse to different sources, specially tothe theory andthe practice of psychoanalysis and to literature, tat teaches us about love and death. These different sources have been made to articulate so thatthe journey that is their reading could be made naturally, with no solutions of continuity. Text-proposal tat aspires to be open, and questions itself as a result ofthe interpellation to those other texts. Sincethe title, we have intended to makethe co-incidence of the beginning andthe end ofthe analysis evident, as well asthe always effective presence ofwandering and indestructible desire. Beginning and end of analysis, deathand desire, death and birth, desire andmourning end, already contained In the beginning, remeans all the psychoanalytic process.The idea is to approachthe transference from different tightly bound updimensions: love, desire and death. Love instituted as deception, the metaphore of love, the analyst as an image ofthe a object cause of desire, gradually give account ofthe movementsoperated in the transference. These movements gradually approach and meet in theend ofthe analysis. De-being ofthe analyst, subjective destitution of the analysing, depersonalization that -demolishing the narcissistic supports-gives rise to the re-appearing of the subject ofthe unconscious. Proof of anguish, piercing of the ghost, repeated once and again, leaning intothe real of pulsion. The analyst expulsed as a rest, as a wreck. End of analysis: studied with the material provided by patients at end work-ritual.


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How to Cite

In the end it was desire; reflections on the transfer and completion of the analysis . (1993). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 78, 163-200.

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