The Self, the Object and the Other


  • Leonardo Peskin


yo, objeto, objeto 'a', otro, lo real, lo simbólico, lo imaginario, material clínico


The article explores the relationship between the other and the object, being that both terms admit different meanings in the psycho-analytical theory, particularly in Freud and Lacan works. Different ways of conceiving the otherness and the diverse possible objects as well as in theory as in clinical practice are reviewed and outlined. The concepts are illustrated with a clinical vignette of a child's analysis, which allows to start thinking the relationship with the different others, and the way in which he tries to build an object with which he can entail and permits subjetivize the drive. Notwithstanding we should highlight that the ego and its objects relations must be considered The theoretical attempt followed by the clinical attempt is to clear up the otherness degrees as well as the insights to define and localize the objects with which a subject is entailed. Notwithstanding we should highlight that the ego and its objects relations must be considered though the subject keeps its hierarchy. It also settles the analyst position and his performance before the everlasting dilemma whether to assist the ego demand and to satisfy the imaginary objet or to point at the subject in relation with a symbolic object. Both alternatives miss solving the other object's category that is the Real theorized by Lacan as object a, the one is found as the nucleus of the ego, of the "other" and of any significant object.


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo Peskin

    Miembro de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina


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How to Cite

The Self, the Object and the Other. (2009). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 108, 67-89.