A Form of Archaic Hate in the Transference. On Despair, Hopelessness and Erotization


  • Vivián Rimano


trauma puro, odio, transferencia, lo siniestro, goce, masoquismo, identificación alienante


Based on her work with patients who suffer from “Trastornos psicosexuales de inicio en la infancia” (Psychosexual disturbances with an early onset) (Martinez de Bagattini, C.), seen both when they were children and also when they came to consultation as adults, the author describes a particular form of hate experienced at times in the transference. The author calls this hate archaic in the understanding that it is the destructiveness that emerges in the subject from traumatic experiences undergone during founding moments for the psyche. A form of this hate could be related to the alienating identifications suffered. The paper discusses how this becomes actualized in the transferential countertransferential movements and the difficulties encountered for processing this. In this case, intense work is required with the obstacles met in the development of subjectivization, with the narcissistic identification wounds, with the processes of disidentification, and with a possible solution for such a desperate feeling of “non existence” as erotization is.


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Author Biography

  • Vivián Rimano

    Miembro Asociado de A.P.U


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Challenges of Contemporary Psychoanalysis

How to Cite

A Form of Archaic Hate in the Transference. On Despair, Hopelessness and Erotization. (2010). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 110, 97-113. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1185