On the Tendency to "Enactment" In Psychotic Duels


  • Jorge L. Tizón


enactment, trabajo del duelo, humor, material clínico


Acting-in and acting- out are psychoanalytical terms that refer to patient's alterations of the setting. A perspective of the enactment, on the contrary, connotes mutual performance or mutual dramatization, of the analyst and of the patient, also in the mark of the treatment. It is not possible a psychoanalytical treatment without components of those three elements, because the thought doesn't exist without the action. Now then: the analytic setting in fact tries to facilitate the insight of those human (and professionals) relational tendencies. Often proscribed in psychoanalysis and in the psychological care, the use of the humour may suppose a symbolized form and elaborated of avoiding performances or more spectacular "enactments ". In that sense, on more than a decade I have tried to illustrate two types of situations that have to do especially with the enactment: the humour and the psychotic mourning. Paper tries to define the psychotic bereavement and to differentiate the clinically psychotic bereavement and the bereavement lived in schizo-paranoid position, as well as their manifestations in the psychoanalytical treatment. Among other
reasons, because the psychotic bereavement is a type of psychological processes always pressing to enactments, at least for its characteristic difficulties of not-enough mental elaboration.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge L. Tizón

    Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis, Institut Catalá de la Salut & Universitat Ramon Llul, Barcelona (Spain)


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How to Cite

On the Tendency to "Enactment" In Psychotic Duels. (2009). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 109, 167-199. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1174

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