In the hiatus between the diseased body and the erogenous body


  • Marina Altmann de Litvan


enfermedad `psicosomática, psicoanálisis de niños, relación de objeto, material clínico


This paper deals with a psychosomatic process in the treatment of an asthmatic girl aged two years and four months. We observe the full development of the psychoanalytical process from a sick body which expressed itself through different
somatic discharges to the emergence of a mental functioning rich in fantasies and dreams. The psychic work protects the body against somatic disorganization processes. This implies that the features of the individual’s psychic organization have an impact on his ability to resist illness.


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How to Cite

In the hiatus between the diseased body and the erogenous body. (1991). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 74, 211-227.