The borderline-narcissistic patient's dilemma; between denial and discrimination.


  • Fanny Schkolnik
  • Manuel Svarcas


narcisismo, escisión, borderline, desmentida, escisión del yo, material clínico


In this paper the authors focus on the problems of narcissistic-borderline patients, highlighting the pathology of narcissistic deficit, disavowal and splitting of the ego, and discrimination difficulties. They underline the fact that in such cases the concept of disavowal differs from that posed by Freud, iii the sense that it does not refer to the phallic issue but rather to the trauma of alterity that is at the origin of the ego and leads to the disavowal of the archaic object’s existence. The splitting of the ego resultant from this disavowal will give way to two positions: in the first the existence of the other is not admitted, in the second it is accepted.
This process is deployed in the intersubjective field, with the participation of the mother and the family milieu promoting and sustaining the disavowal of alterity


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How to Cite

The borderline-narcissistic patient’s dilemma; between denial and discrimination. (1991). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 74, 161-169.

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