On the imaginary and symbolic castration; a clinical approach.


  • Javier García Castiñeiras


castración imaginaria, castración simbólica, material clínico


The concept of symbolic castration was introduced into psychoanalytic literature by Jacques Lacan as a result of a re-reading of the castration in Sigmund Freud’s work from a structuralistic approach. The conceptualisation of the three levels, (R-S-l),
permits the distinction between imaginary and symbolic castration. Parting from the clinical material of an early adolescent we attempt to think this post-Freudian distinction with the aim of questioning  its clinical use. In a “phallic” with the characteristics described by S. Freud (infantile sexual theories, castration anxiety. Oedipal wishes), we try to discern imaginary and symbolic levels,
the possible reading of the phantasied deployment. Access to symbolism gradually accounts for the overcoming of castration anxiety insofar as the prohibition of incest simultaneously allows a legalised sexual exchange. 


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How to Cite

On the imaginary and symbolic castration; a clinical approach. (1991). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 74, 67-82. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1101