From the Tower of Babel to the founding paths; some premises to investigate in the psychoanalytic process.


  • Marcelo N.. Viñar


epistemología, transferencia, fantasía, sujeto, saber, creencias


This text was conceived as a contribution to the subject: “Investigate the Psychoanalytic Process”, discussed at the last FEPAL congress. The multiplicity of post-freudian frames of reference communicate with each other with increasing difficulty due to the diversity in their conception and semantics. Aiming towards discussion and controversy the author presents his own
perspective, trying to localise hot spots and misunderstanding in conceptualisation. He attempts a semiotisation of crucial zones in analytic experience enabling him to later trace the epistemological implications which better serve and those which in his view
work against it. Parting from the notion of bipersonal field (W. and M. Baranger) the author understands that psychoanalysis is not suited for the observational method of natural sciences and presents intertextuality and the dialogical principle of M. Bajtin as
an alternative. Some precisions contransference, neutrality, Interpretation and the analyst’s power appear as a consequence of the perspective adopted.


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TODOROW, Tzvetan. Teorías del Símbolo. Ed. du Seuil, Paris.

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ACEVEDO DE MENDILAHARSU Sélika; MENDILAHARSU Carlos. De los discursos y el lenguaje.




How to Cite

From the Tower of Babel to the founding paths; some premises to investigate in the psychoanalytic process. (1991). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 72-73, 37-58.

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