Notes to Think About State Terror and its Effects on Subjectivity


  • Maren Ulriksen de Viñar


terrorismo, memoria, aparato psiquico, desmentida, sociedad, intersubjetividad


According to the feature of the panic phenomena (Freud 1919) that is the desintegration of libidinal ties that link the group, we think about the consequences of the times of terrorism of State as an attack to social link. As a result, the intermediate psychic structure that appoints the work of representation and memory collapse. Particular forms of a pact of silence, disavowal and not-knowing appear and organise the conviviality of post-dictatorship. The effects of the sate of threat, torture and death come down on the field of speech, altering the language and the construction of the account of a time, they operate in order to expel the inscription of their rights, thus from symbolic world. The not-knowing and the silences will be taken In charge in an enigmatic transgenerational transmission, terror went from the public space to the private one, the only place available for an inscription. After terrorism, by mediation of a third one, the work of restitution of memory, of speech incorporating the memory of terrorism, remains, under the condition of constructing a space of “ours”.


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Author Biography

  • Maren Ulriksen de Viñar

    Miembro Titular de APU




How to Cite

Notes to Think About State Terror and its Effects on Subjectivity. (1997). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 86, 129-144.