What protects us?


  • Leonardo Peskin


helplessness, the symbolic, culture, clinical material, love, subjectivity


The need for protection is inherent to the human condition. From the beginning of human life, even before birth, biological protection is required inside the mother’s womb and the cultural environment. This is emphasized by all psychological and psychoanalytic approaches. However, the need for language and symbolization is not always emphasized as the
most transcendental condition of protection for the species. This embraces both the possibility offered to the creation of the person exercising the maternal function, and the acquisition of independence from the primary objects. Without that resource, the human young would remain dependent on another, the most precarious resource in order to be protected. The
capacity for achieving autonomy, supported by the capacity for symbolizing and acquiring language, is what provides the greatest protection in the end. This does not mean that the socialization, achieved precisely by these resources, is not essential for our realization as subjects. These ideas are illustrated with clinical vignette.


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo Peskin

    Miembro titular (didacta) de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina. 


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