The intimate rhyme


  • Néstor Marcelo Toyos


truth, construction, interpretation, speech, parapraxis style, signified, Lacan, Bion, literature, clinical material


From two of Freud’s papers, written very close in time —«Constructions in Analysis» (1935) and «The Subtleties of a Faulty Action» (1935)— two ways are exposed in which the inventor of psychoanalysis, towards the end of his work, proposes to psychoanalysts to work with clinical narratives. The relation of this work with the search for a truth, of a subjective basis, is very different in both cases. Construction and interpretation, respectively, are also tools in question. In the second part of this work a theoretical journey is made around the notion of «style» and its interest, which we consider important for psychoanalytic practice. The style is the very transmission of the unconscious truth, always partial, almost always subtle, sometimes violent, always woven from an umbilicus, scars of a radical absence of the object of the drive. Finally, a clinical narrative. In the case we present, is about showing the appearance of signifiers from the chance of the real and its application to analytical work. The central concept we have for this approach is what Lacan calls «invention of a signifier» in 1977.


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Author Biography

  • Néstor Marcelo Toyos

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina


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