The Cry of Nemesis


  • Aída Miraldi


female sexuality, trauma, abuse, sexual abuse, perversion, infanticide, Ferenczi, Sándor


The paper is an inquiry into the subject of female violence, its visibility or invisibility, and the likely reasons for the former or the
latter, as well as into the psychoanalytic theorizations which have attempted to explain such violence and the subsequent journeys of investigation that went astray and which eventually led to the abandonment of such a fertile field for research. The text deals with different forms of female violence,cstemming from three different places and historical moments. Thecfact that children could be the object of violence emerging fromcadults was an initial source of reflection for psychoanalysis;cexamples of this can be found in S. Ferenczi, R.Fliess andcJ.Moussaiev MassoncAt the same time, our discipline has probed the "specificallycfemale aspects" of hate. However, female violence has becomecinvisible. Aggressive and sexual abuse (a very arguable distinction)chas been too easily attributed to men.cIn order to explore these issues, we believe it is necessary tocconsider the mechanisms of defusion of the drive, and find supportcin the theoretical contributions by M.Enriquez.


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Author Biography

  • Aída Miraldi

    Miembro Titular de APU


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