The Analytic situation as handling of an epileptic nucleus of an early analysis.


  • Vida M. de Prego M. de Prego


epilepsia, psicoanálisis de niños, escena primaria, coito sádico, pareja combinada, pecho, pene, ansiedad paranoide, fin de análisis, culpa persecutoria, culpa depresiva, reparación, material clínico


This work aims at presenting the clinical material from an epileptic patient who was taken for analytic treatment at the age of three years and ten months, owing to behaviour disturbances and bad relationship with his mother.
This clinical material can be divided into three periods in which appears the way the patient worked out his phantasies in connexion with the primary scene: a) placed on the outside, he-spectator. b) In his inner world, as an identification with the combined couple,
destroyed by his aggressivity. e) in an attempt to separate and unite it again, but in a discriminating way and without feeling destroyed by this union. The patient’s original aggressive behaviour is considered as a defense against his illness, which was the most feared aspect of his experience of death. Finally one stresses the (constitutional) aspects which contributed to the favourable and to a certain extent quick evolution of the treatment.


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How to Cite

The Analytic situation as handling of an epileptic nucleus of an early analysis. (1965). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 7(2-3), 199-231.