The Psychotic Origin of Neurosis


  • Gilberto Koolhaas Jurgens


objeto idealizado, objeto bueno, objeto transicional, trauma de nacimiento, defensa, angustia de separación, confusión, envidia, voracidad, catástrofe, escisión, celos, represión, pareja combinada, superyó temprano, material clínico


1) In her last book “Envy and Gratitude”, Melanie Klein describes how the unstability of schizoid splitting through idealisation, precipitates the precocious genital development. Perversion reveals itself to be a defense against psychosis. Freud’s classical formulation: neurosis is the negative of perversion now acquires a new transcendency in as far as the neurosis appears to be the last term of a dialectic. Through envy the schizoid position fails, thus causing the fixation of the perverse experience which again makes the solution of the Oedipus complex impossible. 2)  (...)


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How to Cite

The Psychotic Origin of Neurosis. (1958). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 2(4), 406-451.