The incidence of affective regulation on the development and constitution of the personality


  • Delfina Miller


affect, drive, idea, Vorstellung, personality, acting, research, development, childhood, aggressiveness, attentional deficit


The present article seeks to account for the strong incidence that affect has on psychic constitution. Taking Freudian ideas as a starting point, as well as considering several authors who produced especially useful contributions to the development of the concept of affective regulation (Klein, Winnicott, Green, Kernberg, Fonagy, Emde, Sroufe, etc.) relating them, and also considering a biological perspective, this paper sustains the idea that it is the regulation of affect that leads, through intersubjectivity, to the consolidation of subjectivity. It highlights the consequences of affect dysregulation by presenting a research project carried out with school children aged between five and eight. The investigation concludes that children who do not adequately regulate their affectivity, who are invaded by affect or do not recognize it, appear to suffer from more emotional and behavioural problems in several aspects of development, and consequently, in the organization of their personality. The consequences are vast and serious, generating an internal world convulsed with impoverished and contradictory representations of the self, predominantly persecutory ones. Unregulated affect hinders the capacity to represent, bind, think, and tinge everything with a marked subjectivity that is the basis of a state of alertness, distrust and insecurity, and often leads them to turn
to actions, the meaning and consequences of which they seem to ignore. These vulnerabilities, which tend to become permanent, generate a special fragility in which it is difficult to diagnose a specific conflict, because of the structural deficiencies.


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Author Biography

  • Delfina Miller

    Miembro fundador de la Asociación Uruguaya de Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica. 


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How to Cite

The incidence of affective regulation on the development and constitution of the personality. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 125, 83-109.

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