Transmission in psychoanalysis in articulation of lack of speech

Passing the anorexic event


  • Aurora Polto Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay



Anorexic, Symptom, Image, Communication


The paper proposes to account for the complexity of achieving a psychoanalytic transmission of the anorexic position, considered
by contemporary authors as a peculiar mode of articulation of the subject, in which a profound subjective position of rejection of the
Other takes the helm.
Dispensing with one’s own word and that of the other, they install themselves through a logic of repetition beyond the principle
of pleasure, jeopardizing the analyst’s possibility with the word, even with his own.
During the work of a treatment team for these sufferings, the register of the gaze, the gesture and the voice, even mute, as well
as the music as transferential movements for the work on the enactment in the body of these subjects, began to gain value for the
author. These elements are considered essential to theorize and transmit these conditions.
It is proposed to use the concept of event, coined by A. Badiou, as metaphorical support to offer a possible transmission of the
anorexic mouth-nothing as an anorexic event.


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How to Cite

Transmission in psychoanalysis in articulation of lack of speech: Passing the anorexic event. (2024). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 138, 35-49.