Strokes from the body to the paper. The creation of the drawing of the human figure in the child


  • Corina Nin Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay



Inscription, Body ego, Mirror phase, Psychic structure, Psychoanalytic technique in child, Drawings, Clinical material


The achievement of the human figure in the child will involve what we will call a significant montage of writings, the assembly of an
erogenous body, writing marked by loss traversed by the signifier.
In the desiring circulation, the other/Other will impress marks, primordial registers that will shape the psyche. In this creative
act, the child re-creates the lack from which they started and will account for the writing journeys of their body. We will posit this
as a leap from the mirror to the paper. And the wonder present in the ability to find, once again, a unified imaginary and symbolic
representation of their body. This leap will be sustained by the amazed and joyful response of the adult, who names, validates, and
certifies the unity of the image created. This refers to the inscription of the human in its symbolic character.


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How to Cite

Strokes from the body to the paper. The creation of the drawing of the human figure in the child. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 147-159.

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