The current practices and the contemporary paradigm..
encuadre psicoanalítico, transferencia, contratransferenciaAbstract
To elucidate current practice, this paper analyzes the succession of three historical stages (and the three corresponding
models or paradigms) in the development of the activity of the analyst, following as a thread of this analysis, the definitions and
uses of the countertransference: Freudian, post-Freudian and contemporary. In particular, this survey tries to account for the
impasses of the post-Freudian model (centered on a “totalizing” concept of the countertransference, which includes all of the mental functioning of the analyst) and the emergence of a new contemporary model (notable for a more differentiated and
complex view of the psychic work of the analyst, where an “integrated” notion of countertransference is subordinated to the
work of representation by the analyst and articulates with other notions such as that of “internal setting”).
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