Group Framing; a Psychoanalytic Proposal


  • Alba Busto de Rossi


psicoterapia de grupo, sujeto, grupo, fantasía, encuadre, escuela argentina, escuela francesa


The setting in a psychoanalytic group is somehow in between a series of antinomic pairs that hinder the theorizing that sustains its practice. They also bring about limitations to the possibility of approaching these experiences at present, causing a circular movement, difficult to dismantle. A revision is made on some theoretical group references that show the opposition: ―individual as unit ―group as unit as well as the difficulty in keeping the necessary tension between singularity and collective. It’s Lacan’s difference between ―speech-effect and ―group-effect that brings up an interesting matter to discuss about the group practice. On the other hand this enables to bring up again some interrogations made about this practice. It is important to stress that the asymmetry imposed by the setting in a group analysis, brings up analytic listening, neutrality and abstinence as important landmarks that make the difference between the analyst and other group co-ordinators. It is through accepting our own limitations and those of the others and experiencing frustration that the group establishes an analytic experience.


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Author Biography

  • Alba Busto de Rossi

    Miembro Titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

Group Framing; a Psychoanalytic Proposal. (2002). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 96, 57-70.