A symbolization work. A bridge between psychoanalytic practice and metapsychology.


  • Fanny Schkolnik


simbolización, representación, encuadre psicoanalítico, lo arcaico


This article emphasizes the growing interest on the topic of symbolization in psychoanalysis from the experience with patients
where clinical manifestations of splitting is significant and exceeds a neurotic o perational mode.
Starting from an epistemological location of the concept of representation the author claims the validity of this concept in
psychoanalysis, taking into account the difficulties and complexities at stake, and the richness of other author’s proposals
where it is substituted by the notion of significant. The marks of perceptions in the psyche, invested by the drive,
always become some sort of representation. It would not be suitable to speak of a lack of representation.
What many refer to as irrepresentable corresponds with the incidence in the psyche of representations that, due to their
limitations in translation or re-signification, give place to a failed symbolization of a different kind. The work on this concept aims to estimulate reflection about disorders of symbolization in psychopathology and its role in the analitical practice


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Simbolización y experiencia analítica

How to Cite

A symbolization work. A bridge between psychoanalytic practice and metapsychology. (2007). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 104, 23-39. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1618