Photographs of subjectivity on the brink of the abyss


  • Vivian Rimano


identificaciones patógenas, madre, indiferencia, trauma, pulsión de muerte, material clínico


Through a brief clinical material of a nine-year-old patient I try to reflect on the traumatic effect on the construction of
subjectivity, when the latter has been subjected to the vicissitudes of a “parental delusional situation” which erases the possibility of
being recognized by the “other” as a subject. The patient’s questions and enigmas about his existence are condensed with
Fotografías de la subjetividad al borde del abismo those about his sexual identity. I make a series of considerations
on the unrepressed unconscious and its effects, enactments, the place of the “body”, the role of pathogenic identifications and


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Debates sobre la subjetivación en Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

Photographs of subjectivity on the brink of the abyss. (2006). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 103, 125-137.