The perverse; a structure?


  • Cristina Martínez de Bagattini


perversión, desmentida, material clínico


This paper is a reflection on the possible existence of a structure in perversions. First of aH, we consider sorne sociocultural
aspects, since they are interwoven in every process of psychic structuring and they become a part of the ideals and the
superego. In this sense, we work with Baudrillard's ideas on seduction and we elaborate on the way in which the seduction of
the perverse becomes interwoven, in sorne cases, with what we ca]] the "seduction of evil". Two films are referred to so as to
illustrate this point. We have distinguished the clinical manifestations of the conditions we call perversions or perverse behaviours from other behaviours which are described in this paper as "aberrations of sexuality". A clinical example of a "fetish condition" is analyzed in order to understand the process which leads to its "construction" . The stmcture of the psyche is considered taking into account its components and trying, as far as possible, to see its complex interrelation: conflict, anxiety, identifications, superego and
correlative mechanisms. We concIude that there is no stmcture which may be characteristic of perversions.


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