Psychoanalysis and Epistemology:

Science or Pseudo-science?


  • Ramón Florenzano Urzúa


filosofía, ciencia, paradigma, investigación, sociología, psicoanálisis, movimiento psicoanalítico


This paper attempts to approach the historical development of psychoanalysis from the perspective of philosophy of science, a branch of epistemology that developed strongly throughout the XXth century. The concern about the scientific basis of psychoanalysis is old; even in times of Freud its epistemological basis was argued about. The issue is dealt with first from philosophy and then applying it to what psychoanalysts do. From this purposely extra-analytic viewpoint, important philosophers of last century posed the question of psychoanalysis as science or pseudo- science. We focus on two of them, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn, summarizing his critical analysis of science in the first case and the characteristics of scientific advancements in the second one. We take a historical perspective about science in the Occidental philosophical tradition, and quote extensively both authors when they use psychoanalysis of a case of a bogus science. We end up reflecting about the application of their views to psychoanalytic practice.


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How to Cite

Psychoanalysis and Epistemology:: Science or Pseudo-science?. (2002). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 95, 107-125.

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