Between spontaneity and submission, life


  • A. Cristina López de Caiafa


sometimiento, espontaneidad


This work intends to see D.W. Winnicott as the man who lived his own life and all along it he traced his personal way to became analyst, and be able to make out right there, fluctuations spontaneity –  submission (basic concepts in his theorization of true and false self) attitudes that I consider interacting as a dialectic pair in every human being.
Some circumstances of early childhood and infancy, adult life, professional history linked with the analysis are focused trying to
visualize this pendular spontaneity – submission which I think gives origin to the unit of the self. It is intended to open lines of reflection about this pendular in the relationship that we analysts keep with the psychoanalysis in our practice, in our relationship with the theories, their authors and the psychoanalytic institutions.


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Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1999.

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PHILLIPS, A.- Winnicott. Fontana Press, London, 1988. (p. 45).

GROSKURT, P.- Melanie Klein. Su mundo y su obra. Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1990. (p. 251).

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LÓPEZ DE CAIAFA, C., ALTMAN DE LITVAN, M., PORRAS DERODRÍGUEZ., L. y LABRAGA, F.- Nuestro vínculo con las teorías.

Relación y uso desde la perspectiva metapsicológica winnicotteana. En: R.U.P. No. 83. Teoría hoy. Tomo II. Montevideo, 1996. (p. 11).

RICHARDS, V.- Hunt de Slipper. En: The person who is me. Karnac Books for the Squiggle Foundation, London, 1996.






Trabajando con Winnicott

How to Cite

Between spontaneity and submission, life. (2003). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 98, 137-147.

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