The Negative transference and negativization of transference


  • Clara Uriarte de Pantazoglu


transferencia, lo negativo, repetición, transferencia negativa


Based on the developments on the idea of “the negative” the author connects what she calls negativity of transference to the presence of nonsymbolized traumatic remainders which would alter the super-ego structure of the person. From the author’s point of view some negative forms of transference appear as an expression of the death impulse and show primary
narcissistic identifications that include cruel aspects from the parents. Old objects’ cathexis are kept blocked in its development and remain as in a crypt like strange objects, a trauma in the sense of the second topography. 


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FREUD, S. “Análisis terminable e interminable”(1937). Tomo XXIII, Amorrortu Editores, 1976.

URIARTE, C. Las identificaciones tanáticas en la transferencia. Comentarios a partir del material clínico del Dr. Luis Villalba. Trabajo de la dupla supervisor - supervisando. Congreso FEPAL. Montevideo, 2002.

URIARTE, C. Fundamentación presentada para un Seminario sobre “Transferencia negativa y transferencias de lo negativo”. Instituto de

Psicoanálisis de APU. Primer semestre, 2003.




How to Cite

The Negative transference and negativization of transference. (2003). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 97, 105-112.

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