A probable origin of the notion of drive.


  • Enrique Gratadoux


pulsión, angustia, sexualidad, excitación, ligación, afecto, elaboración


“Draft E” and “Instincts and their Vicissitudes” are compared. The author finds in both papers a series of correspondences in the interrelation between: energy, representations and affects. The author believes he find in instinct model: a reelaboration and an
enrichment of “Draft E” “normal processing of physical tension” model. The appendix contains two corrections of the version of “Draft E” that figured in Amorrortus Edition, 1982 reedited in 1986. A letter of translator Mr. José Luis Etcheverry is transcribed, which confirms these corrections and explicits his election of the terms “process” and “elaboration” as a translation of “Verarbeitung” and “Berabeitung” respectively.


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FREUD, S. La neurastenia y la neurosis de angustia. O.C., Biblioteca Nueva, T. I,España.

FREUD, S. Historia del Movimiento Psicoanalítico. O.C., Biblioteca Nueva, T. V,España.

FREUD, S. Autobiografía. O.C., Biblioteca Nueva T. VII, España.

FREUD, S. Pulsiones y destinos de pulsión. O.C., A.E. Ed. Bs. As. 1984

FREUD, S. Lo inconciente. O.C. A.E. Ed. Bs As. 1984

FREUD, S. La represión. O.C., A.E. Ed. Bs. As. 1984

LAPLANCHE, J. y PONTALIS, J. B. Vocabulario de psicoanálisis. Labor España1974.




How to Cite

A probable origin of the notion of drive. (1996). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 83, 91-99. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1403