Psychoanalytic approach to "Las hortensias" by Felisberto Hernández.
literatura, psicoanálisis, lo siniestro, doble, animismoAbstract
The author in this paperdoes a psychoanalitical approach to the stoiy: “Las hortensias” from Fel isberto Hernández.
The central point of the work remit us about the “ominous” (umheimliche) and sh ows its development throught the double’s theme. There are some coincidences with Freud and Bollas theories about this concept. It describes the way how the principal character suffers a psychical disarticulation process, and also they how failures in his psychical structuration, update that appear in different ways in the story, such as the mirror’s role and the specular fact in the dissociation of this selfimage.
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