Some Notes on Writers and Readers


  • Elías Adler


placer previo, goce, descarga, catarsis


The paper puts forward a few problems concerning the literary work of art. How have sorne writers caught the attention of a rather large group of indivíduals? Through which devices have they arisen particular feelings in their public?  First, the paper discusses briefly sorne of Sigmund Freud’s works, who atternpted to deal with these questions several times.
On a second stage, the paper puts forward a rather puzzling third question, as a mean to answer the first two: What does a reader look for in a literary work of art? The proposed answer is that the reader looks for ernotions in reading a literary work
of art. To a certain degree, he does not expect to find great technical achievements or a revealing truth.What he really wants is to feel involved in the fiction. He longs to dwell in it, forgetting reality in order to find the unanswered, unexplained in his life.


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How to Cite

Some Notes on Writers and Readers. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 82, 177-182.