The status of the referent and the spell of presence in 'A dream come true' by Juan Carlos Onetti.


  • Roger Mirza


lo siniestro, literatura, cuentos, realidad material, sueño


This paper is an approach to Onetti’s tale “Un sueño realizado”, and the particular statement of reference in the differents levels of the tale: the narration of the director, the dream of the woman and the “mise en scène” of that dream. From sorne
considerations upon the reference in literature and some particulars properties of reference in theatre, we intend to justifie the scenification of the dream where the woman dies as a way to produce a fusion of both universes: the fictional universe bilt by
the tale and the universe created by the stage representation. The narration of the death of the woman in the middle of the scene of dream’s mise en scène” would produce a transgression of the limit between this two levels of fiction, and can (might) suggest the possibility of a similar rupture in the “symbolic convention” wich separates the fictional universe of the tale from the referencial universe of the readers


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How to Cite

The status of the referent and the spell of presence in ’A dream come true’ by Juan Carlos Onetti. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 82, 147-158.