A guide to the galleries; about "The other sky" by J. Cortázar.


  • Luz M.. Porras de Rodríguez


literatura, psicoanálisis, tiempo, doble


This study has the quality of investigating a literary text with a psychoanalytic ear. A discovery is made ofthe apparently insignificant, with a follow-up of details in language (bilinguism) and in representations which allows an articulation connecting the story‘s background with at nother texture, that of a covert story, from which new meanings emerge.
Through theatre curtains bearing a reference to reality inside fiction, otro cielo‖ (The other sky) serves as a hinge where we catch a glimpse of a hidden text by Lautréamont (Maldoror and bis Poems) manifest (trianifest content) in the epigraphs written in French. A fiction realized, generally constructed within the historical framework of the Franco-Prussian War (1869-1871), and at a more individual level allowing us tOconstrue and embrace the last year in the life of I. Ducasse (Lautréamont).
The story is considered in its bilingual dimension; by this means we may approach the brush-strokes that draw figures which link and double we likewise remark on and analyze the intertextualities
between the story and the works of Poe, Ducasse and Cortázar himself.
The theme of the double ís analyzed in this intertextuality whích doubies and redoubles; tbe narrator doubled witb Lautréamont, and the text With ―Les Chants de Maldoror‖, the story‘s structure doubled by Poe‘s Stoiy ―The Mystery of Marie Rogêt‖, and at the same time the author doubled with himself as narrator.
There is an unbridling of temporal and spatial ―telescoping‖ and the telescoping‖ of characters which find an echo in the repetitions inclu-ded in the text (the portals) and in the repetitive formulae of the tongue. Signjfier chains are ―discovered‖ in hidden intra and interidiomatic French-Spanish anagrams, homonymies and homophonies which sustain the text in a signifier synchrony, where there is a ―one to one correspondence of the translation which suspends‖ and precipitates the meaning, as, for example, in: ―El otro cielo / el otro mundo / l‘autre monde / Lautréamont / Laurent mató‖
(The other sky-Sp. / the other world-Sp. / the other world - Fr./ Lautréamont / Laurent killed–Sp.) Note that l‘autre, the other, is included throughout the chain.


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How to Cite

A guide to the galleries; about "The other sky" by J. Cortázar. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 82, 67-88. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1380