Psychoanalyzing (in) the Interior: the Improbable Neutrality

On Freud's Indifferenz and Strachey's Neutrality to Today's Complexity Theory


  • Paulo Luis Rosa Sousa
  • Ricardo Tavares Pinheiro


neutralidad, reseña conceptual


In small communities psychoanalytic processes are prone to present some special conditions that may interfere with the development of the analysis, such as, frequent and intense extra-analytic contacts and intense crossed information provenient of the social environment. In this kind of context of the analysis authors examine the always problematic question of a supposed neutrality of the analyst. They make a proposition of using methods of analysis that contemplate complex epistemological scenarios when we need to study phenomena of high complexity, such as psychoanalytical relationship. With the illustration of three clinical vignettes authors defend the hypothesis of a improbable neutrality as substitution of indifference or classical neutrality, concepts that are related to noncomplexes paradigms, used in scientificistic positivism


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Author Biographies

  • Paulo Luis Rosa Sousa

    Miembro titular de la Sociedad Psicoanalítica (Provisional) de Pelotas y de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina

  • Ricardo Tavares Pinheiro

    Candidato del Instituto de Psicoanálisis de la Sociedad Psicoanalítica (Provisional) de Pelotas


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How to Cite

Psychoanalyzing (in) the Interior: the Improbable Neutrality: On Freud’s Indifferenz and Strachey’s Neutrality to Today’s Complexity Theory. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 89, 110-124.