The Frame and its Elements


  • Luisa de Urtubey


encuadre, interpretación, neutralidad, regla fundamental, frustración, escucha, continente, material clínico


The different elements that, according to the author, are a part of the setting, as well as its function, need and its complementary with interpretation, are described and analyzed. These elements are: the classical ones (the couch, a fixed and sufficient frequency, and the analyst’s secrecy and silence as regards himself), neutrality, the observance of the fundamental rule, frustration, listening and holding. All this is discussed from the perspective of different authors and her own personal standpoint. It is stated that the inner part of the analyst is added to the outer setting, based on the self-analysis of his counter-transference.


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Author Biography

  • Luisa de Urtubey

    Miembro Titular de APU y de la Sociedad Psicoanalítica de París


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