An Illustrative Case of Alienating Identifications


  • Nelson de Souza


adolescente, transgeneracional, delirio, psicosis, antisemitismo, nazismo, identificación, material clínico


By means of an exposition based on analytic headpieces and reports, the author tries to communicate a found on a patient –an adolescent with a serious pathology– that is characteristic known as alienates identifications. Doing some metapsychologicals considerations about the theme, the paper illustrates with that clinical references, looking for lo contribute with some ideas lo promote a discussion around this difficult matter associated to the transgenerational transmission. After an historical introduction, that doesn’t claim lo be analytical in spite of to prepare the communication, the matter is shown with that case fragments. The patient is an adolescent who is caught on this type of identification whose direct referent is a transgenerational transmission object structured on social and violent traumatic conditions, derived from the second war horror. Some questions are formulated purposing to search al least some theoretic comprehension of the theme The work examinates, by the way, nationals and foreigners


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Author Biography

  • Nelson de Souza

    Miembro Asociado de APU


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How to Cite

An Illustrative Case of Alienating Identifications. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 168-190.