The Growing Man; Identification Problems in the Child of a Physically Disabled Parent


  • Aída Miraldi


identificación, desidentificación, identificación primaria, material clínico


This paper attempts to think the relationship between body, body image, ideal and identifications. Using the clinical material of a seven year old child, whose father suffered an accident during his own childhood and was disabled, we explore his identification process. We find a massive identification with the damaged father, which makes the question “What am I?” appears: “an animal, a monster or a human being?” There also appear difficulties in his secondary identifications and fragility in structuring the Oedipal situation. We also consider some technical problems we had to face in the treatment of this patient.


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Author Biography

  • Aída Miraldi

    Miembro Asociado de A.P.U


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How to Cite

The Growing Man; Identification Problems in the Child of a Physically Disabled Parent. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 116-131.

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