Progress in Psychoanalytic Technique or New Names for Old Discoveries?


  • Gustavo Jarast


enactment, contratransferencia, transferencia, campo psicoanalítico, reseña conceptual, material clínico


The present paper will try to include a history of Latino- American psychoanalysis, which through many decades promoted, and in a certain way established developments and conceptualizations. These ones only in the last years were recognized more "officially" in Anglo-Saxon and European in general psychoanalysis. Or only known but not ever recognized as such contributions, that permit a trough convergence between the "new" and the "older" founds. Particularly themes which makes through the importance of the counter-transference in psychoanalytic session and psychoanalytic processes, which were extensible worked from authors like Racker, the Barangers, and E. Pichón Riviere, and the river-plate psychoanalysis in general. In other words, these are conceptualizations, in between the find of a through own subjectivity.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Jarast

    Miembro de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina


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Challenges of Contemporary Psychoanalysis

How to Cite

Progress in Psychoanalytic Technique or New Names for Old Discoveries?. (2010). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 110, 114-130.