Argument for a Certain Scientificity in a Moment of Crisis


  • José Enrique de los Santos




In this task I intend to cover the problem of psicoanalisis’ science in the context of what is called the “crisis” of the same, and within the end of modernity’s prehistoric period. I try to define prevailing sensibility and thought in this time, and how they can affect
psicoanalisis’ proyect. I design paralelisms between “weak thought” of the end of modernity and some currents within psiconalitic thought. Starting from the previous point, I try to demonstrate which the epistemological bases of psicoanalisis could be considering it as a science or as a subjective theory, and what my opinion is about the investigation in psicoanalisis.


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How to Cite

Argument for a Certain Scientificity in a Moment of Crisis. (1997). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 86, 177-188.