Symbiotic-parasitic link and identity


  • Carlos Mendilaharsu


The case of a 22 year old male patient with phobic and hypochondriac symptoms is reported upon.
Prevention of passage onto regression and disease was attempted at adolescence by establishing a symbiotic-parasitary relationship, with concomitant development of a disturbance of the process of individuation and identity.
We have striven to demonstrate that this situation is related to early egosplitting (ego-in the light-object, ego-in the shadow-object) determined by its relationship with the breast (wakeful rejection-acceptance and enjoymentsleep). We studied the action of ego-in the shade-object with a confusional nucleus indiscriminated into a symbiotic-parasitary connection and into agoraphobia and
hypochondria which failed to crystalize owing to the permeability and lability resulting from the ego-in the shadow-object action.
The transferential relationship-with a few accompaying objects-was set up on the basis of a peculiar pattern, with prevalence of ego-in the shadow-object, the former acting, to some extentas transitional objects with the Winnicott connotation. The confusional-indiscriminate nucleus was lived in the “slanted” transfer. The progressive strengthening of his ego-in the shadow and the
progressive reduction of splittings resulted in partial cure, with discontinuance of agoraphobia and consequent re-building of identity.


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How to Cite

Symbiotic-parasitic link and identity. (1964). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 6(2-3), 127-157.