Between dream and wakefulness


  • Fanny Schkolnik


analizability, psychic change, abstinence, symbolization, pain


The paper is an attempt to approach the analytic task by placing it in the space which is constituted between the states of wakefulness, dream and phantasy, where analyst and patient confront the enigmas that arise as an effect of the unconscious in the psyche. A situation that necessarily refers back to needs, obscurities and psychic pain. In turn, approaching the unknown, in the setting of the transference, gives rise to a mobilization that opens the possibilities for changes and growth at the psychic level. The conditions for analyzability will depend on the characteristics of the psychic structure. A germ of analytic thinking has
to be displayed in the transference so that it enables a transient withdrawal of the limits between the internal and external worlds, in order to allow an approach to the unconscious. This assumes a primal repression that has allowed sufficient ego-not ego discrimination, together with a drive mixture which makes it possible.


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Author Biography

  • Fanny Schkolnik

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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