Marguerite, a Duras Scribe:

My Humble Tribute


  • Mariela Giorgi


mother, writing, pain, symbolization, the uncanny, fiction, the real, Duras


Marguerite Donnadieu has af-firmed herself in writing, Marguerite Duras, has become a transcriber Duras. Duras, the name of the French region from which her father came, Émile Donnadieu: the region of Duras. Duras, in Occitano-Romance and tied to the maternal region could be translated as «fortress in this place». Marguerite was born in Cochinchina («crisscrossing traces»), Indochina, on 4th April 1914, in Gia Dinh (the family) in the suburbs of Saigon, in the lands of the Ma qui (demon). Marguerite is a transcriber Duras who inventions herself and brings together remains, strokes and traces of her history in her writing. In this paper we will observe how these new and necessary nominations are an attempt to interconnect the unreachable that Marguerite talks
about (the Freudian Unerkannt) at the same time as they create, from the invention of their own geography, a unique topos in order to skirt and weave, from there, the experienced threads. A creation that results from a fabric dyed with complexities, fragilities, loves, their absences and various ambiguities. Creation-writing that is an artifact, in the words of Lacan, and which keeps a point of opacity, since the fiction belongs to the real and maintains a tie to the truth.


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Author Biography

  • Mariela Giorgi



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How to Cite

Marguerite, a Duras Scribe:: My Humble Tribute. (2016). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 122, 78-87.

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