The Other Language; a Writing Space


  • Marta Labraga de Mirza


This  work tries to display some of the questions which are stated throughout the experience of working in a writing workshop with patients who not only are deeply disturbed, but they also integrate a therapeutic listening group at “Hospital de Clínicas”. We wonder about the effects the writing of literary purpose texts has —starting from watchwords which are given by the coordination— in the posibilities of symbolization and socialization, both functions deeply disturbed and deceived in these patients. It is emphasized the value of watch words transferencial function, as writing demand–guides which settle a grupal writing–reading pair that would help to tolerate separation as well as absence through a specular parcial reestablishment looking for a possible subject


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Author Biography

  • Marta Labraga de Mirza

    Miembro Asociado de APU


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Assoun PL. La lecture, NRP N° 37. Ed. Gallimard, 1988, p. 130 y ss.

Aulagnier P. El sentido perdido o el “esquizo” y la significación, Buenos Aires, Carpeta de Psicoanálisis, Año 1979.

Deleuze G. Crítica y Clínica, Ed. Anagrama, Barcelona, 1996.

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Lotman I. Estructura del texto artístico, Ed. Istmo, Madrid, 1978.

Wolfson L. Le schizo et les langues, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1970.

Wolfson L. Ma mère musicienne est morte, Ed. Navarin, 1984.




How to Cite

The Other Language; a Writing Space. (1997). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 84/85, 127-138.

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